The smart way to invest in Portugal

Portugal offers a wealth of business opportunities across various sectors, making it an attractive destination for investors worldwide. At Defesa Legal, we provide comprehensive services to support your investment endeavors, ensuring you make the most of Portugal's favorable economic environment.
Business Opportunities
Portugal's diverse economy presents numerous investment opportunities, including:
  • Real Estate: Benefit from Portugal's growing real estate market, with options ranging from residential to commercial properties.
  • Venture Capital: Invest in Portugal’s innovative startups and emerging businesses.
  • Financial Products: Explore a variety of financial instruments to diversify your investment portfolio.
  • Tourism: Capitalize on Portugal's booming tourism industry by investing in hotels, resorts, and related businesses.
  • Job Creation: Engage in projects that generate employment, qualifying for various incentives and benefits.
Ours Services
We offer a range of services to facilitate your investment process: 
  • Corporate Services: Assistance with company formation, compliance, and corporate governance.
  • Taxation: Expert advice on tax planning and optimization to maximize your investment returns.
  • Real Estate: Guidance on property acquisition, investment strategies, and market analysis.
  • Due Diligence: Comprehensive due diligence services to ensure informed investment decisions.
Citizenship ans Visas
Investors can also benefit from Portugal's favorable residency and citizenship options: 
  • Golden Visa Program: Obtain residency through significant investment in real estate or business.
  • D2 Visa for Entrepreneurs: For those looking to establish or invest in a business in Portugal.
  • D7 Visa for Passive Income: Ideal for retirees and individuals with stable passive income.

Portugal's strategic location, skilled workforce, and quality of life make it an ideal place for investment. The country offers numerous incentives for investors, including tax benefits and a streamlined process for obtaining residency and citizenship.

For more information or to discuss your investment plans, contact us directly. Our expert team is ready to assist you in navigating the investment landscape in Portugal.